Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Anti-corruption policy of Toscotec s.P.A.

"Toscotec S.p.A.", being aware of the negative effects of corrupt practices on economic and social development, undertakes to prevent and contrast the occurrence of offenses in the performance of its activities.
This document, hereinafter "Policy", aims to provide a reference regarding the prohibition of corrupt practices for "Toscotec S.p.A." with the aim of increasing the recipients’ awareness of the regulations and behaviours that must be observed.

This Policy, issued by "Toscotec S.p.A.", is intended for all its managers and employees, collaborators and third parties in business relationships with the Company.
Compliance with the Policy is mandatory for all Recipients. If the local legislation is more restrictive than this Policy, the local provisions must be adopted and their violation will also constitute a violation of the Policy. 
This Policy must also be made available to external interested parties to inform them of the anti-corruption principles followed by "Toscotec S.p.A.".

The principles described in this Policy are a clear commitment on the part of "Toscotec S.p.A." in favour of integrity and sustainability in doing business.
All Recipients in general are prohibited from receiving, claiming, paying and offering, directly or indirectly, compensation of any kind, gifts, economic benefits or other profits from, or to, a private public entity and/or the entity that they directly or indirectly represent that:

  • (a) Exceed a modest value and the limits of reasonable courtesy practice;
  • (b) Are likely to be interpreted as aimed at unduly influencing the relationships between the Company and the aforementioned person and/or the entity directly or indirectly represented by it, regardless of the purpose, even exclusive, of pursuing the interest or advantage of the company.

Facilitation payments, i.e. unofficial low value payments made for the purpose of speeding up, promoting or ensuring the carrying out of a routine activity or in any case foreseen within the duties of public or private subjects with which the company’s companies relate, are also not allowed.
The use of funds or personal means for the purpose of circumventing the application of this Policy is prohibited.

Activities related to the human resources office, such as the offer of work or internship, promotions and training are often judged as elements of value, and therefore giving, offering or promising such activities in order to obtain or unduly maintain an economic advantage, constitutes corruption.

"Toscotec S.p.A." condemns any type of activity contrary to professional ethics, which violates the principles of objectivity, competence, professionalism and equal opportunity, regardless of whether it falls within the official definition of corruption.

In order to avoid the risk of being perceived as corrupt acts, all HR practices, including, but not limited to, full-time and non-full-time job offers, internship offers, both paid and unpaid, training or professional growth activities, promotions or job changes, salary increases, will be made exclusively on the basis of merit and, when applicable, through a competitive process. 

The company is committed to being a responsible member of the communities in which it operates and to supporting people in difficulty also by sponsoring various events, initiatives and organizations.

In no case will charitable contributions, sponsorships or donations be used to conceal bribery. All charitable activities and donations are made in good faith, and are not aimed at securing business or benefits.

By their nature, sponsorship operations can have the purpose of securing an economic advantage in a transparent and legitimate way.

"Toscotec S.p.A." recognizes that offering corporate gifts and hospitality for the purpose of expressing esteem, appreciation or gratitude represents a normal and legitimate aspect of business relationships.
However, in cases where the value or nature of a gift or hospitality may be considered disproportionate or unreasonable in relation to the circumstances, such gifts or hospitality may be considered as an exercise of undue influence on the recipient, with the risk that this practice will be perceived as corruptive.
Therefore, in order to avoid the risk of being perceived as active or passive subjects of corruption, the company applies the following principles:

  • gifts and corporate hospitality must have the exclusive purpose of promoting, maintaining and strengthening the business relationship as a whole, or of expressing appreciation;
  • gifts or hospitality cannot be offered or received when they can be interpreted as the imposition of an obligation or an undue influence on the recipient;
  • cash gifts or cash equivalents are prohibited;
  • any corporate gifts or hospitality must comply with the laws and regulations of both the country of the offeror (host, inviting party) and the country of the recipient  (guest);
  • it is strictly forbidden for employees to ask for gifts or corporate hospitality from third parties, and to accept them, if there is the possibility that this conflicts with their duties.

If an employee, a commercial partner or supplier suspects a violation of this Policy, they can report it by letter to the address:
Toscotec S.p.A. - Human Resources / Anti-corruption Policy Office - Viale Europa n ° 317, Marlia 55012 (LU)
To the subjects, who in good faith have reported an alleged violation, the office will act in order to guarantee against any type of retaliation and the confidentiality of the identity of the reporting person will also be ensured.

Policy on human rights of Toscotec s.P.A.

"Toscotec S.p.A." is aware that any economic and business activity can generate potential positive and negative impacts with respect to human rights.

The Company operates in accordance with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", which states that "every individual and every organ of society, including companies, must try to promote respect for human rights and freedoms through teaching and education, and ensure its effective and universal recognition and compliance, through the progressive adoption of measures at national and international level ".

This Policy expresses the commitments and responsibilities towards all Human Rights and promotes compliance with these Rights in the context of its business relationships and adherence to the same standards by contractors, suppliers and commercial partners, giving particular attention to high-risk or conflict-affected contexts.

2.1 Refusal of forced or compulsory labour and child labour
"Toscotec S.p.A." refuses the use of any type of forced or compulsory labour and does not confiscate money or identity documents at the beginning of the employment relationship in order to keep the worker against his will.

The use of child labour is not allowed, as defined by the reference "ILO Conventions". No child under the minimum age indicated by local law, and in any case not under the age of 15, may be employed in work activities.

The company undertakes to assess the risks to identify and evaluate the influence of its activities and its products/services on human rights in accordance with the provisions of the guiding principles on business and human rights in implementation of the United Nations Framework of Reference called "Protect, Respect and Remedy".

2.2 Respect for people and diversity
No form of physical or verbal harassment or discrimination of race, language, religion, social status, nationality, political opinion, sexual orientation or gender will be tolerated.

"Toscotec S.p.A." respects diversity and the right to equal opportunities by encouraging the promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace.

The Company therefore rejects any other distinction, exclusion or preference that has the effect of denying or altering equal opportunities and equal treatment with respect to employment or occupation.

2.3 Health and safety protection
"Toscotec S.p.A." is committed to ensuring high standards of protection of health and safety in the workplace, ensuring all our employees a healthy and safe workplace in compliance with safety and health laws.

"Toscotec S.p.A." involves its employees through information and training activities for a constant improvement of the health and safety status of the workplace with the aim of minimizing the risks of injuries and accidents in the workplace.

2.4 Freedom of association and collective bargaining
"Toscotec S.p.A." recognizes the right of its workers to have adequate representation and the freedom of employees to set up or take part in organizations aimed at defending and promoting their interests, without fear of retaliation or intimidation. Employees who act as representatives will neither be disadvantaged nor favoured in any way.

2.5 Wage conditions, working hours and human resources
The wages of our workers are in line with the provisions of current legislation and industry standards. The ways in which wages are defined are based on objective criteria, taking into consideration the principle of fair compensation and equal pay between male and female workers.

"Toscotec S.p.A." also undertakes to pay overtime, to guarantee at least one day of weekly rest and that the daily, weekly and monthly amount of working hours is in compliance with local legislation.

"Toscotec S.p.A." engages in the development of human resources, recognizing a strong point in its human capital. Training and continuing education are the priority tools to improve workers' skills and company growth.

2.6 Privacy
"Toscotec S.p.A." respects the confidentiality and the right to privacy of its workers and collaborators by committing to the correct use of the data and information provided, including disclosure to third parties.

Your privacy policy is in line with the relevant local laws and regulations, including the protection of personal data against loss, theft, unauthorized access or use.

"Toscotec S.p.A." monitors the application and compliance with the Human Rights Policy and the Code of Ethics within its corporate borders and promotes its principles with its commercial partners and suppliers.

All the evidence collected during the assessment phase represents a stimulus for the company and its commercial partners to redefine policies, actions and behaviours to ensure full respect for human rights in the contexts in which they operate.

Where the failure to comply with the Human Rights Policy is found internally or at its own supplier, the causes of this deviation will be analysed and a plan will be defined to promote alignment with this document.

If an employee, business partner or supplier wishes to report an alleged violation of this Policy, they can report it in writing in a letter to the address:
Toscotec S.p.A. - Human Resources / Code of Ethics Office - Viale Europa n ° 317, Marlia 55012 (LU)

In the management of reports, the office acts so as to guarantee the reporters against any type of retaliation, and also ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter.

The reports received will be contested by the Human Resources Office together with the company management, in order to verify the possible need to take useful actions to remedy any negative impact on human rights that may have emerged.

Code of Conduct

Voith Group Code of Conduct


Preface by the Board of Management 3

Acting in Compliance with Voith Values

1. Introduction and statement of principles 4

2. Cooperation with customers, suppliers 5 and other business partners

2.1 Fair competition

2.1.1 Agreements, cartels and waivers of competition

2.1.2 Corruption and bribery Offering and granting benefits Demanding and accepting benefits Donations and sponsoring

2.1.3 Patents and intellectual property rights

2.2 Selection of suppliers and service providers

3. Management and employees at Voith 8

3.1 Leadership and trust

3.2 Tolerance and equal opportunities

3.3 Fair working conditions

3.4 Avoidance of conflicts of interest

3.4.1 Outside employment

3.4.2 Political activities

3.5 Protection of assets

3.6 Use of information

3.6.1 Confidentiality

3.6.2 Privacy and information security

3.6.3 Insider knowledge

3.6.4 Correct reporting

3.7 Occupational safety, health, environmental protection and sustainability

3.8 Quality

4. Implementation of the Code of Conduct 10

4.1 Compliance organization

4.2 Advice

4.3 Complaints and reports of misconduct

4.4 Implementing regulations

Acting in Compliance with Voith Values

Dear Employees,

Back in 1927, Voith expressed its principles of business conduct as follows: “In the business world one must be ethical, decent and honest. If a contracting party or a competitor behaves unfairly, this does not give us the right to deviate from this principle.”

Over the years these words have constituted the very core of our value system, and they have guided us in everything we do.

Voith’s values define the character of our relations with our business partners, customers and suppliers as well as our relations with our shareholders, the Voith family. The basic honesty of all those who work at Voith is the essence of our reliability, the foundation of our reputation in the business world.

We are confident that by upholding and preserving these values we can look forward to continued success.

Many years ago, having committed ourselves to this high standard of conduct, we established rules and procedures to ensure compliance throughout the company. These rules and procedures are continuously updated and adapted to current statutory requirements. All of our employees have access to them, for instance via the Intranet.

The Voith Group is growing at a rate that few other enterprises can match. It has now expanded to the point where the Board of Management,  working together with other levels of management in the divisions and operative companies, has found it necessary to review the existing organizational capacity for ensuring compliance with Voith’s values. We have therefore decided to establish a Compliance Committee that will be responsible for regularly updating and revising these rules and making sure that they are implemented without exception.

By establishing the Compliance Committee the Board is making it clear that each and every employee is expected to adhere to Voith’s values. At the same time it is assuming that our managers will live in accordance with these values and communicate them to others. The managers are the ones to whom our employees should first turn if they have any questions on these issues.

In this connection we emphasize once again that unlawful behavior like corruption and bribery is punishable under German law and that of most other countries, regardless of whether it occurs in domestic or international business transactions and whether it involves public officials or private individuals. Any employee who commits such an act not only runs the risk of criminal prosecution but also does serious harm to Voith’s interests, damaging the reputation of the Group and all its employees.

As the Voith Board of Management we therefore do not tolerate any form of bribery, corruption, discrimination or any other offense against our fundamental values. Should there still be a violation against these basic rules, we will rigorously pursue such violation and undertake all necessary measures.

1. Introduction and statement of principles

The trust that we receive from our customers, owners, employees and the public depends critically on the conduct of each individual in the company. It is based upon strict compliance with the law and with all of our internal rules.

Voith is aware of its responsibility to society, and it acts accordingly.
We recognize the duty of our company and our employees to serve the common good. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is therefore to summarize the norms that must be observed by Voith employees worldwide in order to ensure the continuation of the company’s long tradition of honesty and decency. The Code is also meant to serve as a guide to employees, helping them to act within their own responsibility for the good of the company. This responsibility is both a privilege and a duty. Each employee must ensure that his or her conduct is always in keeping with the rules set forth here. Our managers must not only communicate these rules in an effective manner, they must lead by example and demand compliance from their subordinates. They are the first to be consulted if there are any questions about this Code.

This Code of Conduct is part of our risk management system as set forth in Corporate Guideline 03/01, which has the purpose of protecting Voith and each of its employees. The Code describes a minimum standard which can be augmented regionally in accordance with stricter local legal requirements and cultural customs. In cases where, in addition to this Code, Voith has issued separate corporate guidelines on special matters, they shall remain applicable as supplementary regulations. The currently valid corporate guidelines are available on the Compliance Intranet page, where they can be printed out.

This Code is valid for all employees of the Voith Group worldwide. In addition, Voith expects other persons hired by the company (trainees, consultants) to adhere to it.

The regulations contained in this code shall be applicable to relationships between each of the companies in the Voith Group and its employees. It shall not constitute a basis of thirdparty rights.

The Compliance Committee shall have final authority to decide any disputed issues related to this Code.

This Code of Conduct replaces the previous Corporate Guideline 01/07.

2. Cooperation with customers, suppliers and other business partners

Besides expecting high-quality products and services, our customers, suppliers and other business partners expect a high degree of professionalism and integrity in our dealings with them. For this reason, our communications and contractual relationships should always be characterized by correctness, honesty and transparency.

2.1 Fair competition
Voith observes the rules of fair competition and supports all efforts to preserve a free market and open competition, both nationally and internationally. Voith will therefore not pursue any contract if doing so would violate applicable laws.

2.1.1 Agreements, cartels and waivers of competition
All employees are required to obey the laws against restraint of trade. Formal or informal agreements with competitors for the purpose of obstructing competition are therefore prohibited. The same applies to behavior based on tacit understandings.
Accordingly, it is not permitted to demarcate sales areas or divide up customers with a competitor, nor may there be any agreements or exchanges of information with competitors concerning prices, supply relationships, business terms, capacities, market shares, profit margins, costs, customer data, bid contents or bidding behavior.
In the event that Voith achieves a dominant market position, such position must not be exploited in an illegal manner.
All proposed agreements with competitors must be submitted in advance to the responsible legal department for review and
presented to the CFO of the Group division for approval. If the legal department concludes that the agreement in question cannot be concluded, the respective CFO is not permitted to give approval. In this case the matter must be forwarded to the Compliance Committee.

2.1.2 Corruption and bribery
Voith will not tolerate corruption or bribery in any form. All of its business activities must be conducted in a spirit of honesty
and responsibility. As early as 2001, the company recognized and signed the Rules of Conduct to Combat Extortion and Bribery in International Business Transactions (1998 revised version), issued by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Offering and granting benefits
As competitors we rely on the quality and performance of our products and services. We therefore do not allow any agreements
or supplementary agreements that involve granting benefits, either directly or indirectly, to individuals or organizations in connection with arranging, awarding, approving, implementing or paying for contracts. This applies in particular to agreements with business partners, their employees and officers, but it extends to third parties as well. The same holds true for the granting of benefits in dealings with public authorities. Such payments are unacceptable whether they are in the form of money or goods. The granting of benefits to an individual can also be unacceptable if the individual only benefits indirectly, for example if payments are made to a family member or if payments (such as donations) are made to a third party and the individual’s social or political standing is enhanced as a result.

Gifts and invitations are permitted only if they are not large enough in terms of value, financial scope or otherwise to improperly influence the recipient’s actions or decisions or to create a state of obligation on the part of the recipient. When
issuing invitations to an event or gathering, it must addition- ally be ensured that the event is of a size and type that is customary in business circles or that it is specifically related to business activities. Especially strict standards must be applied in the case of public officers. Monetary gifts are prohibited under all circumstances.

Compensation to third parties, in particular agents, brokers and other mediators, in the form of commissions or other payments
must be plausible and bear a reasonable proportion to the work performed. Such compensation must be provided in an amount which does not suggest that it is being used to circumvent the rules on granting benefits. Agreements with agents, brokers, consultants and other advisors, including all later amendments, must be made fully in writing and commit the contracting parties to observe the above principles at all times and abstain from bribery. Such agreements must be approved by the CFO of the respective Group division before they are concluded. Demanding and accepting benefits
Although it is customary among business partners to exchange gifts of a limited size, the acceptance of gifts can damage the reputation of our company and lead to conflicts of interest. For this reason our employees are strictly prohibited from demanding or accepting personal benefits such as services or inappropriate invitations, whether for their own advantage or for that of individuals or institutions close to them.
Occasional gifts of a small value are an exception. Gifts of money are not allowed under any circumstances. Offers of gifts or benefits must be refused and reported to the supervisor. The rules set forth in apply here accordingly. Donations and sponsoring
Voith receives requests for donations from a wide range of organizations and institutions. Donations must be made in a transparent manner, which means that the recipient and the intended use must be known. Payments to private bank accounts
are not permitted. No donations may be made to organizations that could damage Voith’s reputation. When donations are granted, the rules set forth in and above must be observed; this applies in particular to donations made near the time when a contract is awarded or donations related in content to a contract. Donations of all kinds to political parties require the approval of the Board of Management.

In the case of sponsoring there must be a reasonable relation
between the amount of support and the performance agreed in

Additional details are contained in Corporate Guideline 01/08
(Donations and Sponsoring).

2.1.3 Patents and intellectual property rights
In order to maintain our competitiveness, we must continue to develop our proprietary technology by creating inventions and improving our know-how. Protection of our technology by means of intellectual property rights is therefore becoming increasingly important.

No employee is allowed to disclose new knowledge or company secrets in any form to third parties. All employees must respect valid intellectual property rights of third parties. No employee is allowed to obtain secrets from third parties or make unauthorized use of such secrets.

Details are contained in Corporate Guideline 03/06 (Protection of Technologies Used in the Voith Group).

2.2 Selection of suppliers and service providers

Voith conducts fair and unbiased examinations of all offers submitted by its suppliers. The assessment, awarding and handling of a contract must be based on strictly professional criteria and be carried out in a transparent manner. It is not allowed under any circumstances to give undue preference to a supplier or impede its efforts to win a contract.

When selecting business partners, Voith demands that they too shall respect the values set forth in this Code. Infringement by a partner can lead to termination of the business relationship.

3. Management and employees at Voith

Productivity and humanity must go hand in hand to ensure sustained success in an enterprise. Voith’s economic success is dependent on the help and co-operation of its employees worldwide.

3.1 Leadership and trust

All of our employees are required to adhere to this Code, and our management personnel must set an example. Voith cultivates an atmosphere of trust in which its managers are responsible for providing sufficient supervision to prevent any violations of the Code.

3.2 Tolerance and equal opportunities

Voith respects human rights worldwide. As a company with a global reach it works with employees and business partners of
many different nationalities, cultures and customs. It does not tolerate unequal treatment (discrimination), harassment or degradation in violation of the law. In particular, it does not tolerate discrimination on account of race, ethnic origin, gender,
religion or worldview, political opinions, age or gender identity.

3.3 Fair working conditions

Voith gives its employees fair pay and provides fair working conditions in compliance with all statutory requirements. It rejects
all forms of forced labor and child labor, and it will not obstruct lawful employee representation.

3.4 Avoidance of conflicts of interest

It is important to Voith that its employees do not have conflicts of interest or loyalty in the course of their work. Such a conflict
can occur if, for example, there are business transactions between Voith companies and employees or members of their
families. Any such transaction must be disclosed in advance to the employee’s superior.

3.4.1 Outside employment
If an employee intends to take up gainful work on the side, he or she must obtain written consent from his or her manager.
For managers, written consent must be obtained from the Advisory Board and Human Resources.

3.4.2 Political activities
Voith does not participate in activities involving political parties. However, under no circumstances will it deter its employees
from taking part in appropriate political activities during their nonworking hours. We expressly welcome our employees’ involvement as citizens in the affairs of society and their participation in social and charitable activities. Employees who are engaged in such activities do so as private individuals. We expect them to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest
with their work.

3.5 Protection of assets

Voith requires its employees to protect the tangible and intangible assets of the company. These assets include property, production equipment and inventory stocks; securities and cash; office equipment and supplies; information systems and software; and patents, trademark rights and know-how. Violations of the law such as fraud, theft, embezzlement and money
laundering will be prosecuted. With regard to acceptance of business risk see Corporate Guideline 03/01 (Risk Management
and Quality Management).

Machinery and equipment may only be used for work-related purposes unless private use is expressly permitted. Internet users must take care not to retrieve or transmit any information that could incite racial hatred, glorify violence or other crimes, or have an offensive content.

3.6 Use of information

We expect employees to take appropriate care when using company information.

3.6.1 Confidentiality
Confidentiality must be maintained concerning in-house matters that have not been disclosed to the public. This also applies
to inventions and other kinds of know-how. These are essential to the long-term success of the Voith Group. Employees must therefore not pass information about new discoveries or company secrets in any form to third parties. This also applies after termination of employment.

3.6.2 Privacy and information security
The global electronic exchange of information is essential for effective work and business success in general. But besides having benefits, electronic communication can pose risks to privacy and data protection. Official documents and data storage
media must therefore be protected from access by third parties at all times. Both managers and employees must take effective protective measures against these risks, and this is an important component of IT management.
Details are contained in Corporate Guideline 01/03 (Information Security and Privacy).

3.6.3 Insider knowledge
It is not permissible to derive personal advantage or advantages for others through the use of in-house knowledge. The
same applies to unauthorized disclosure of such knowledge.

3.6.4 Correct reporting
When making oral or written reports for in-house or external use, employees are obligated to state the truth. Manipulation of
content is prohibited.

3.7 Occupational safety, health, environmental protection and sustainability

Voith makes every effort to protect the life and health of its employees and deal responsibly with resources and hazardous materials. All employees must avoid hazards in the workplace, minimize harm to the environment and use resources economically. In developing and manufacturing our products we adhere to the principles of sustainability and environmental

Details on environmental protection are contained in Corporate Guideline 01/02, and details on health and occupational safety are contained in Corporate Guideline 01/06.

3.8 Quality

The market success of our products and services is inseparably linked with their quality. We demand maximum creativity, skill, and care on the part of our employees, and thereby demonstrate to our customers and third parties that we maintain high standards.

We will not tolerate deliberate or negligent conduct that results in diminished quality.

4. Implementation of the Code of Conduct

4.1 Compliance organization

Voith has established a Compliance Committee which is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Code of Conduct.

The Voith risk management system (Corporate Guideline 03/01) provides for CFOs to act as compliance officers at the divisional level. They serve as contacts and are responsible for implementing the Code of Conduct. Within the individual Voith
companies this task is assumed by the CFO or a manager appointed by the CFO of the responsible Group division.

4.2 Advice

Voith provides its employees with information to help them comply with the law and the Code of Conduct. In particular, this includes training sessions on specific topics and selected areas of risk. If employees nevertheless have questions, they can submit them to the CFO of the company or Group division, to the responsible legal or human resources department or to the members of the Compliance Committee. In addition, Voith has established a help desk to answer questions of this kind. The relevant contact data and further relevant information on the subject of compliance can be found on the Voith Intranet “Compliance” application.

4.3 Complaints and reports of misconduct

Any employee can and has the right to report a violation or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct to Voith. At the employee’s discretion, the contact for this purpose can be the direct supervisor, the responsible human resources employee, the CFO of the company, the CFO of the Group division or any member of the Compliance Committee. The necessary contact data will be made available throughout the Group through suitable channels, including publication on the Compliance Intranet page.

An employee who, with a reasonable, good faith basis, honestly believes that the Code of Conduct has been or might have been violated and who makes use of the right to report this to Voith will not suffer any kind of retaliation. In each such case, Voith will take the necessary steps to protect the employee against such retaliation. To the extent possible and legally permissible, Voith will maintain confidentiality about the identity of any employee who follows this procedure to report a violation or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct. The same applies to the identity of employees who cooperate in the investigation of such violations or suspected violations.

4.4 Implementing regulations

Voith will issue additional regulations concerning the implementation of selected items in this Code of Conduct. These regulations will also deal with questions about interpretation and approval procedures.

The Voith Group Code of Conduct is available in several
languages. In the event of any differences or contradictions
between the different versions, the German version
shall take precedence.

The latest version is available on the Internet at

Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA
Compliance Committee
St. Poeltener Straße 43
89522 Heidenheim/Germany
Phone: +49 7321 37-6218


Toscotec is a Voith company